Envato Market Purchase Code Validator Plugin Released

For the first time we’ve created something for the WordPress community. After having difficulties with lots of other solutions we’ve finally understood we’ve to do something for the community so that everyone can get a solution for free. Hence we developed a plugin by which any user can verify the clients purchases with ease.

Envato Market Purchase Code Validator is a plugin by which Envato Market authors can easily validate their customers purchases while giving them support. They can validate whether the customer is valid or not. No author needs to go for any paid solution to give their respected clients a valid & amazing support.

Features of Envato Market Purchase Code Validator

Setting up the plugin as easy as that. After installing the plugin you’ll be able to see the settings tab under plugin name or you can go to Tools->EM Purchase Code Validator & then you need to set your Envato Market Token in the settings so that plugin works properly. Check the screenshot below:

Settings page for the plugin

After that you need to copy the shortcode [em_purchase_code_validator] to your desirable page. Voila the plugin will generate a form where you can paste your clients purchase code to check whether the purchase code is valid or invalid for support. Check the screenshot below:

Plugin Frontend

The most important thing about this plugin is it doesn’t store any data of your clients purchase code instead it’ll just show the result calling the Envato Api using async option. We’ve used Vue.js to load the result from the api. It takes less time to generate the result without page load so it’s really easier & faster to checkout the result.

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